A hulking rat ogre is a terrifying thing to be stood next to with a serious opponent as it has massive strength and is likely to do incredible damage. Playing in the single-player experience is more like a comedy show than a serious conversation. Here, the only thing breaking is the, well, everything. Mechanically, it’s an incredibly satisfying game to play, but there it can also be one of the most frustrating, as every action is decided by dice rolls and a simple dodge can easily led to your star player falling over and breaking his neck on the fantasy-themed astroturf. You can probably guess what that governs.

A new quirk in Blood Bowl 3, which adapts Blood Bowl’s 2020 ruleset instead of the older set shown in Blood Bowl and Blood Bowl 2 is the addition of a passing stat. A huge Orc might have 4 strength and 2 agility, making them good at strength things (punching, mostly) and bad at agility stuff (dodging, handling the ball). How successful a player is at certain objects will depend on their stats. Blood Bowl 2 is a quality game, although it was not without its own bugs are launch, and I’ve become quite fond of the RPG aspects of slowly levelling a team and then spending skill points to make them a formidable opponent. It often involves hunting for the touchdown while trying to weave through a variety of orcs, ogres, Skaven and elves on the path to the endzone.
I’ve long adored Blood Bowl, a series that’s fantasy football in the truest sense as races from the Warhammer universe come together to play a variant of tactical turn-based American football. Nonetheless, I’m confident in stating that Blood Bowl 3 has a host of problems. This includes a tiny disclaimer: the game is so difficult to play, that I have only managed to play for 10 hours or so.

Whether it’s the clunky UI, infestation of bugs, self sabotaging AI or the fact that things just, well, break, it’s not really clear whether I should be reviewing Blood Bowl 3 or recording my frustrating attempts to play the game as a performance art piece.